
What IF?

What IF?

Have you ever thought about what it would have been like to live in the days when the New Testament Church was birthed? What an experience that must have been to actually be the first church after Jesus has ascended into heaven and now you have been given the responsibility to carry out what Jesus lived everyday. The entire world would be influenced through all generations by the leadership of the early Church.

     *WHAT IF the early church had decided to simply study what Jesus said but not apply it?

     *WHAT IF the early church had the attitude of, “we love a small crowd…so don’t tell anyone about Jesus coming back to life.  I know He commanded us to tell…but let’s keep it a secret?”

     *WHAT IF the early church had been more passionate about their comfort than conforming to who Christ called them to be?

Imagine what would have happened if the early church only studied Jesus and not lived it out. Would they still be called the New Testament Church? Would we even know who Jesus is, never having an opportunity for salvation? If the 120 in book of Acts kept it to themselves we would only know this story as a history lesson. Thank God that the 120 were passionate about being all that Christ wanted them to be. Are we that passionate?

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